Can My order be delivered?

While some options are available to be shipped anywhere in the U.S., other pieces may be too intricate to go through conventional shipping methods. Irregardless… We CAN deliver to many locations within the South Florida Area.

HOw much water shoud I use?

Majority of our designs use cactus and succulents as their medium. These are, well, dessert plants. Less is more! A couple sprays of water from a spray bottle once every two weeks should do the trick. The soil should dry out completely between waterings.

What is the best lighting for my Plants?

These plants like bright indirect sunlight. Depending on the placement within your home will also have an effect on how well the plants will grow. Each scenario is different, however, the optimal placement of your plant should be in a bright room, not directly in front of a window as the glass often acts as a magnifying glass, burning the plants leaves.